7 Fruits That Can Strengthen Your Skin: Find Out!

Can fruits really tone and strengthen our skin and fight sagging? No doubt. Make a note of the list below!

Can fruits really tone and strengthen the skin and fight sagging? No doubt.

This statement may come as a surprise, as we are all used to buying numerous creams and spending money on beauty treatments in order to have a firmer appearance.

Then? Does this mean that you just consume this list of fruits? Not necessarily. It is, in fact, about following a balanced diet and increasing the consumption of all those foods that bring collagen and the nutrients that the skin needs.

All help is good and your creams will continue to be adequate. However, to further enhance its effects, it is necessary to “feed” from the inside. Next, we will explain the importance of these fruits.

1. The power of vitamin C present in orange

Orange juice

What is the best vitamin C-rich fruit that strengthens the skin? The Orange.

It is the key piece, but it would also be ideal if you drink a glass of warm water with lemon every morning, excellent to cleanse our body of toxins and to get a good supply of vitamins and antioxidants.

Vitamin C in oranges and lemons is the ultimate anti-aging ingredient. Thanks to orange, we absorb iron and calcium better.

But there is a problem, as vitamin C is water soluble, that is, if it dissolves in water, we can lose it through the urine and we will need an almost continuous supply.

Vitamin C is also a great antioxidant capable of taking care of the DNA of our cells and protecting us against the fearsome free radicals that wrinkle our skin, preventing aging and also favoring collagen synthesis.

How can we benefit from orange?

  1. Eat a natural orange with honey every day

It is possible to start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon, but at midday and in the afternoon snack, it would be convenient to consume a natural peeled orange and cut into small pieces with a little honey.

  1. Toning remedy based on orange peel. 


  • The peel of 3 oranges.
  • 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

This tonic is wonderful for firming the skin, but how do we prepare it? Too easy.

  • First, get the peel of three oranges and put them to boil in a liter of water for 20 minutes.
  • Then turn off the heat and let it stand for an hour.
  • Afterwards, strain the contents and store the toning water in a crystal bottle and store it in the refrigerator.
  • Apply this fresh orange water to the face 3 times a day, with the help of a cotton swab.
  • This water cleans, tones and strengthens the skin.
  • Leave it on throughout the day, you don’t need to clean your face or remove the product.
  • This tonic can be used on the face and also on any part of the body, such as the thighs and abdomen.

2. Acetylsalicylic acid from grapes, cherries and avocados


If we get used to regularly consuming this type of fruit rich in acetylsalicylic acid, we will see how each day we will improve our appearance and the firmness of our skin.

In addition, it is possible to consume them naturally, in juices or even making homemade creams.

In this sense, what are the richest fruits in this element? Make a note so that you don’t miss out on your daily life:

  • Avocado.
  • Red grape (has more tannins and therefore more antioxidants for the skin).
  • Cherry.
  • Tangerine.

How can we benefit from fruits rich in acetylsalicylic acid?


  • Add red grapes to your breakfast, always remembering to consume them unpeeled, as this is where the greatest benefits are contained.
  • Eat cherries whenever you can and when the season comes. About 10 a day after lunch. In addition to strengthening the skin, they are ideal for treating arthritis pain.
  • Tangerine juice is ideal for an afternoon snack. Consume it fresh and natural.
  • Avocado is wonderful for the skin, but as it contains a high calorie content, it is best not to consume more than half avocado per day.
  • It is also possible to prepare excellent facial masks to firm up the skin, which we have already discussed here on this site.

3. Strawberry and watermelon, collagen stimulants

sorbet sandwich

Collagen is a protein that only animal organisms can provide. However, there are many foods that can help make it and stimulate its synthesis.

It is possible to consume beef or pork, fish or prepare a dessert such as gelatin.

In addition, you can benefit from two fruits that will help to achieve firmness for the skin due to its richness in antioxidants, water and vitamins:

  • Watermelon.
  • Strawberries.

How can we benefit from watermelon and strawberries?


  • Every time the season for strawberries and watermelon comes, don’t hesitate to consume them naturally or in delicious juices.
  • These fruits act as mediators in collagen production.
  • Furthermore, they help to hydrate the skin, due to its high water content. Enjoy them to the fullest!

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