7 Delicious Foods To Avoid Morning Fatigue

Despite its bad reputation, bananas are one of the best foods to fight morning fatigue because they increase energy level and improve performance.
7 delicious foods to avoid morning fatigue

There are many factors that can help us to promote or avoid morning fatigue. It often arises because there was no adequate rest period or because the person exerted too much physical effort.

However, it is also  possible that it is caused by a lack of some essential nutrients, especially if you do not have a balanced and healthy diet.

Maintaining a good diet is what allows you to have good energy and great performance throughout the day; therefore, when a nutrient is lacking, it is normal to experience this feeling of physical and mental fatigue.

Most worrisome is that  many seek to combat it with energy drinks and commercial products  that only cover up the problem for the moment.

While they may seem like they give you an energy boost, it’s best to  start replacing them with natural foods  that promote a sense of well-being.

What do you think of incorporating them into your diet? Discover the top 7 below!

1. Oatmeal to prevent morning fatigue


Oats were positioned as the “most complete cereal” due to their nutritional quality. It is one of the foods that should not be missing from the diet, as it  represents an important source of energy.

  • It concentrates important amounts of dietary fiber, a nutrient that improves digestion and regulates appetite.
  • Its vitamins and minerals  improve circulation and benefit metabolic and cognitive health.
  • It is ideal for taking care of heart health, as it helps control cholesterol and triglycerides.

2. Milk

People who do not suffer from lactose intolerance may find milk a good ally to counteract that feeling of tiredness that interrupts the mornings.

  • It is a food that provides essential amino acids and vitamins, which, when assimilated, increase the feeling of vitality and energy.
  • One of its amino acids, tryptophan, stimulates the secretion of serotonin in the brain, a wellness-related neurotransmitter.

3. Oilseeds


While it’s important to eat them in moderation, oilseeds are energetic foods that can stop the feeling of hunger and prevent morning fatigue.

  • Its high contribution of B-complex vitamins and fatty acids  benefits the health of the nervous system, improving concentration and mental abilities.
  • It contains dietary fiber and antioxidants that, in addition to relieving anxiety, prevent muscle pain and headaches.

4. Lentils

Lentils were highlighted as one of the healthiest legume varieties. They are versatile, easy to prepare and contain nutrients that benefit many aspects of physical and mental health.

  • Its high-quality iron and protein contributions  prevent the deficiencies that lead to anemia.
  • They optimize blood circulation and help maintain an optimal cellular oxygenation process.
  • Your carbohydrates serve as “fuel” for your cells, which increases your energy level.

5. Chocolate

Bitter chocolate

How about some chocolate to get more energy in the morning? Although excessive consumption is not recommended, eating between 20 and 30 grams of dark chocolate can be helpful to improve performance  throughout the day.

  • Contains fats and carbohydrates that serve as an energy source for cells.
  • It stimulates the nervous system, improves heart health  and protects the brain from oxidative stress.

6. Seeds

There are a wide variety of seeds that can help fight the effects of morning fatigue. They are low in calories and packed with health-caring nutrients.

  • Chia or flaxseeds, for example, provide omega 3 fatty acids, which benefit cardiovascular and cognitive health.
  • Its small contributions of amino acids and minerals optimize circulation and prevent bad mood.
  • Sunflower, pumpkin or sesame seeds are also beneficial.

7. Banana


For many decades, bananas have been the subject of various beliefs. Many stopped consuming them because they were considered a fattening food.

Today these myths have been demolished and it is known that, in addition to being delicious, they are  full of beneficial properties for weight, body and emotional health.

  • Its natural carbohydrates and sugars increase energy level and improve performance.
  • They balance nervous system activity and improve mood.
  • They calm hunger and help improve the digestion process.

Are you feeling tired while studying or working? If you don’t already eat these foods,  start including them in your breakfast or snack to avoid morning fatigue. Enjoy your benefits!

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