7 Benefits Of Tilapia You Didn’t Know About

Tilapia is a fish rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids and proteins. It can be a great ally of our cardiovascular health and an ideal complement to the diet of pregnant women.
7 benefits of tilapia you didn't know

Tilapia is the generic name for a group of fish of African origin, among which several species are found, such as the blue tilapia, the Nile tilapia or the Mozambique tilapia.

They inhabit fresh and salt waters and stand out in gastronomy for their neutral flavor and the ease of preparation with any accompaniment.

It is a white fish, low in calories and fat and, due to its wealth of essential nutrients, it is ideal for any healthy eating plan. In fact, it is an important source of vitamin D and high biological value proteins.

Below we will see the 7 main properties of tilapia.

1. Can it be consumed by pregnant women?

Pregnant woman

Tilapia is generally recommended for its low mercury content and its supply of omega-3 fatty acids, but its supposed beneficial ability has recently been questioned.

  • Mercury is a toxic metal found in dangerous amounts in fish such as swordfish, tuna or dogfish.
  • Likewise, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) recommended in 2010 to avoid the consumption of these fish, especially in children under 3 years and pregnant women.

2. Contains DHA acid

The tilapia’s DHA content is another reason why its consumption is recommended.

This docosahexaenoic acid is part of the omega 3 fatty acids. It favors the development of the central nervous system, and slows down cognitive deterioration; likewise, it has highly recommended neuroprotective properties, as stated in this study by the University of Chile.

3. Offers protein

fish fillets

If you look at the tilapia nutritional information, you can see that it is a food with an important amount of high biological value proteins, essential nutrients that participate in cognitive processes and metabolic health.

  • Each 100 gram serving provides up to 20 grams of protein, which is similar to what the chicken contains.
  • High biological value proteins are those that contain more amino acids and are therefore necessary to maintain a balanced diet.

4. Protects cardiovascular health

Tilapia protects cardiovascular health.

Including tilapia in the diet is a simple and delicious way to offer important benefits to the cardiovascular system, as stated in this study conducted by Nihon University (Japan). DHA is not produced naturally in the body, so it must be obtained from food.

  • DHA contributes to better blood circulation, a key factor in preventing high blood pressure and heart problems.
  • Fatty acids can lower bad cholesterol levels in the arteries, a major cause of atherosclerosis and heart and vascular disease.

5. Improves digestion

good digestion

Unlike other types of fish, tilapia helps to improve the digestion process.

  • As it is a low-fat white fish, it is not too heavy for the digestive system, which prevents inflammation and constipation.
  • It can be combined with vegetables for complete and light dishes.

6. Prevents anemia

Tilapia prevents anemia.

Although tilapia’s iron content is minimal, it has other nutrients that can help prevent anemia.

  • B-complex vitamins (B3, B6, B9 and B12)
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

These nutrients, in turn, help keep your skin, hair and nails healthy.

7. Helps maintain a healthy weight

maintain a healthy weight

Due to its high biological value protein content and essential nutrients, tilapia is an excellent option to take care of weight without neglecting your diet.

Proteins help in the process of building muscle mass, which improves metabolism activity.

  • Improves physical and mental performance, favoring endurance during sports activities.
  • It is a food that prolongs the feeling of satiety, reducing anxiety, which leads us to “nip”.

Are you ready to include tilapia in your regular diet? Its flavor and smell are not as strong as other fish, and it can be prepared on the barbecue, in the oven or by steaming. Either way it will be delicious.

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