6 Uses Of Lemon In Beauty Treatments

We know that lemon, when used on sun-exposed skin, causes burns that last for weeks and can leave permanent marks.
6 uses of lemon in beauty treatments

We know the uses of lemon as medicines, beauty treatments and in cooking, among others. Despite its many benefits, however, it can be harmful.

The uses of lemon in cooking, for example, are numerous. We can use it on salads, fish, seafood dishes, or to prepare drinks such as caipirinha. But, even those who only touched the lemon and even washed their hands after contact with the juice, they can have burns, which occur mainly on the hands and corners of the mouth.

That way, our hands are covered in juice, and a superficial wash will not prevent citric acid, in contact with sunlight, from staining the skin.

Another of the uses of lemon is to combat the odor of perspiration and to lighten the skin in the region. However, some people have had very unpleasant experiences with this application.

Uses of Underarm Lemon

Some allergic reactions or sun exposure of the lemon, as explained above, can cause the underarm skin to darken significantly. Therefore, before carrying out any treatment with the fruit, it is necessary to test a small area of ​​skin.

Pass the juice over a small region on the inner side of the forearm and wait 15 minutes (do not sunbathe during this period). Note if any irritation appears.

But these risks are no reason to overlook the numerous benefits of using lemons for beauty. The secret is to know how to use it, without exposing your skin, teeth or hair to the risk of burns.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to take advantage of lemon’s antioxidant, bactericidal and astringent properties for beauty care.

1. Uses of lemon as a face mask

In a small bowl, mix two tablespoons of lemon juice and one egg white. Incorporate both ingredients well and apply to clean skin. Use a cotton or makeup brush you have never used before. Form a layer over the skin and let it work until it dries well.

This mask should only be worn at night. Remove very well using a mild soap and warm water. Also remember to wash your hands thoroughly to get all the juice out of your skin.

Face mask using lemon

2. Astringent tonic for oily skin

Lemon has the ability to regulate the pH of the skin, eliminate excess oil and lighten the complexion, and can be used to prevent the appearance of acne. As always, the treatment should only be carried out at night, and be sure to remove the rest of the product from your hands and face.

To reduce the oiliness of the T region of the face, for example, pass pure lemon juice with a cotton wool, leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse well.

Uses of Lemon for Oily Skin

3. Nail Fortifier

The essential nutrients in lemon contribute to stronger, shiny nails. Mix three tablespoons of lemon juice with six tablespoons of olive oil. Soak your nails in the mixture for 10 minutes. After this time, rinse well with warm water and then apply your usual moisturizer.

4. To whiten teeth

If you don’t want to spend a lot on a tooth whitening treatment, why not try this homemade baking soda and lemon treatment? Sodium bicarbonate is known for its many therapeutic properties.

Associated with lemon, it can make teeth lighter, without the use of expensive chemicals that can leave residues. Mix the lemon juice with the baking soda, rub it over your teeth with a cotton swab and brush as usual.

Uses of lemon in hair

5. To eliminate dandruff

Extract the juice from one or two lemons and apply them to the scalp, massaging to penetrate the skin well. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse your hair well with your usual shampoo and cream to eliminate any residue. Lemon will also regulate the pH of the scalp and give shine to the strands, eliminating excess oil.

6. Lemon essential oil against thrush

While not specifically a beauty issue, thrush is extremely bothersome. They can develop into sores on the delicate lining of the mouth. So try to fight them with organic lemon essential oil. But buy a brand without chemical substances, such as artificial fragrances.

Finally, we remind you that warm lemon water consumed on an empty stomach contributes to the health of the whole body and facilitates weight loss.

So, did you like our tips? So, keep reading the next articles with more suggestions for your beauty and well-being.

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