6 Foods That Fight Fat In The Liver

To reverse the fatty liver condition, it is essential to avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption. Also, we must follow a healthy and balanced diet.
6 Foods That Fight Fat in Liver

If you have been told that you have fatty liver, you have probably been advised to improve your eating habits as quickly as possible and not to use alcohol and tobacco. To help you with that, we ‘ll show you the 6 foods that fight fat in the liver.

Fat in the liver, or fatty liver, is a disorder that develops when the liver begins to have difficulty performing its functions due to an accumulation of fatty acids. It is common in people with obesity, alcoholism, type 2 diabetes who do not take care of themselves and follow an unhealthy, high-fat diet.

At first, it may be asymptomatic, but gradually  triggers symptoms such as abdominal pain, fatigue, bloating, among others. Fortunately, its effects are usually reversible, especially when it is detected early and lifestyle is improved.

6 foods to fight liver fat

Healthy eating is essential when it comes to fighting fatty liver. To have all the guidelines, you should consult your doctor. On the other hand, you may want to consider including the following foods in your meals to provide them with extra variety and nutrients that are especially beneficial for the liver.

1. Tamarind

liver fat

Popularly, it is said that among the best foods that fight fatty liver are fruits. They not only provide vitamins and minerals, but also dietary fiber and antioxidants, which positively influence health.

According to evidence provided by some studies, tamarind may be one of the best fruits for fighting fatty liver. As it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and fiber, it would help improve digestion by eliminating excess fat.


  • 20 tamarind leaves
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring the water to a boil and add the leaves.
  • Then let stand for 30 minutes and consume.
  • You can drink this tea cold or hot.

In addition, another alternative is to drink tamarind water, which can be prepared as follows:


  • 100 g of peeled and pitted tamarind
  • 1 liter of water


  • Beat the tamarind in a blender with a cup of water.
  • Then mix the beaten tamarind with the remaining water and drink.

You can add a little honey or brown sugar to give it a more pleasant taste. Avoid using artificial sweeteners because they end up making the fatty liver problem worse.

Note: both the infusion and water can be consumed at any time of the day, but always in a moderate way. An excessive intake of tamarind can cause an upset stomach.

2. Vegetables

Vegetable consumption is an effective remedy to fight liver fat. Because they are low in calories, vegetables fight liver fat and also regulate weight. In addition, its high fiber content also lowers cholesterol levels, another high risk factor for fatty liver.

When cooking vegetables, you should avoid using refined salt. Coarse salt can be used, but always avoiding excesses. Vegetables can also be combined with some spices that improve their flavor. What else should be taken into account when consuming vegetables is the importance of avoiding excesses.

3. Strawberries

liver fat

Rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, strawberry is another of the best foods that fight fatty liver, within a balanced diet that includes other types of fruit.

Due to their flavor, you will have no problems consuming them. You can include them in your diet raw, alone or with yogurt. You can also use them to prepare shakes, breads, salads or cereals. Let’s leave here the recipe for a delicious and very healthy strawberry shake.


  • 1 cup of clean strawberries (166 g)
  • 5 g of linseed (1 scoop)
  • 250 ml low-fat natural yoghurt


  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and consume immediately.

4. Lemon

Lemon is a fruit rich in vitamin C and antioxidants,   so it is considered one of the best foods to fight liver fat. In popular field, it is recommended to consume it as a drink to improve liver health. However, doctors warn that this drink is by no means an effective cure or treatment.

Drinking a glass of lemonade within a healthy diet, in addition to being refreshing, can be positive in general. So, if you wish, you can consume it that way.

5. Whole grains

Foods high in simple carbohydrates should be completely out of the diet  when you have liver fat problems. That doesn’t mean you can’t eat carbohydrates. On the contrary, they are needed to have energy and carry out all your activities.

However, the ideal is to choose  whole grains, which are also rich in fiber and facilitate the reduction of fat. By incorporating these products into your diet, you will avoid spikes in sugar levels and increases in LDL, the bad cholesterol.

6. Spinach


Green leafy vegetables should always be present in your diet, especially spinach. Due to their high fiber content, these leaves are ideal for accelerating intestinal transit. In addition,  folic acid regulates the functions of the liver and kidneys.

If you are not a big spinach lover, consider including it in vitamins and juices to enjoy all its benefits.

Fat in the liver requires a healthy diet

If you have been diagnosed with liver fat, follow your doctor’s instructions. At the same time, maintain good lifestyle habits, especially in relation to hydration and nutrition.

Consumption of the above mentioned foods alone does not help to prevent or cure fatty liver. However, it can contribute to good health when they are included within a healthy lifestyle.

If you have questions about how to consume a balanced and healthy diet, consult your doctor or nutritionist. 

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