5 Sugar Substitutes You’ll Like To Meet

When we sweeten our dishes there are much healthier alternatives that also provide us with more benefits than sugar, as long as we choose the unrefined organic versions.
5 Sugar Substitutes You'll Like to Know

Excessive consumption of refined sugar  is one of the factors related to the development of metabolic and cardiac problems. Therefore, we present you 5 sugar substitutes.

Although the industry has tried to hide these effects for several decades, current studies show how dangerous it can be for the body.

Although delicious and indispensable in the diet of millions of people, its presence in the body can cause serious imbalances in large systems.

The most worrying thing is that it is highly addictive and  is present in a wide variety of products consumed daily.

However, more and more people are concerned about the  negative effects of  its consumption and, therefore, are taking steps to reduce it to the maximum in their diet.

The good news is that there are certain natural sugar substitutes  that, in exchange for fewer calories, serve as sweeteners for many recipes. Would you like to meet?

5 sugar substitutes

1. Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar, one of the substitutes for refined sugar

Coconut sugar is a natural product that has been used as a sweetener in traditional Asian cuisine.

Despite this, just a few years ago, it became known in Western countries as a healthy choice for  refined sugar substitutes  .

Its glycemic index is only 35 and, in addition, it  carries a significant amount of essential minerals that benefit health.

In fact, vitamin C levels are quite high and help to get the recommended daily allowance.

Furthermore, it is one of the most sustainable sweeteners in the world because it comes from an environmentally beneficial tree.

Coconut trees require little water and  produce more sugar per hectare than sugarcane itself.

2. Yacon Root Syrup

Yacon root syrup is another sugar substitute option. It is a natural sweetener that stands out for its low glycemic index and richness in essential minerals and nutrients.

Its intake does not interfere with blood sugar levels  and does not affect  metabolism, as it provides very few calories.

Unlike traditional sugar, it  serves to promote weight loss and normalize bowel movement.

It has a sweet taste and a consistency less thick than honey. Furthermore, it distinguishes itself as a very effective prebiotic.

3. Bee honey

Honey as one of the sugar substitutes

Organic bee honey is one of the best known and most used sugar substitutes worldwide.

It is distinguished by its high energy value, in addition to its essential nutrients and antibiotic compounds.

Although its caloric content is slightly high, it  is one of the best options for sweetening recipes, as it does not affect metabolic functions.

It even has hundreds of medicinal applications that can be explored in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

It is essential to check its quality and authenticity, as  some companies distribute it refined  or combined with traditional sugar.

4. Stevia

Stevia is not the most popular alternative sweetener on the market, but it is one of the sweetest and healthiest.

Its sweetness far exceeds that of conventional sugar in that it  doesn’t provide many calories or raise blood sugar levels.

In its natural state, it can be so sweet that many mix it with cellulose powder and other agents that make it easier to consume.

5. Agave Syrup

Agave syrup as one of the sugar substitutes

It is a natural product native to Central America, today  one of the most popular choices for refined sugar substitutes.

That’s because their glycemic index is only 30, which is less than half of the traditional sweetener.

This means that the body assimilates it more slowly and therefore does not generate imbalances or high blood sugar spikes.

Instead, it ends up being an important source of energy to achieve good physical and mental performance.

On the market it can be found in two varieties, but it is better to choose the dark one because it is less refined than the light version.

Its sweetness is 25% greater than sugar  and is used in the same way as bee honey.

In conclusion, although these sugar substitutes are little known they are  the best choice for sweetening dishes without compromising health.

Of course, we must keep in mind that they all have low quality versions, mixed with sugar, corn syrup and other chemicals that affect their properties.

So always choose 100% organic presentations even if they cost a little more.

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