5 Natural Remedies For Bursitis

To alleviate bursitis, in addition to resorting to natural remedies, it is essential to maintain adequate rest, reduce mobility in the affected area and not force the joint.

Anywhere bones, joints, and tendons come together, fluid-filled pouches called bursas are located. If these become inflamed, they cause a disease known as bursitis. In this article, we’ll talk about 5 natural remedies for bursitis.

The continual rubbing of our joints is often the most common trigger for this type of internal irritation: it ‘s painful and, in many cases, even disabling.

It is important to note that bursitis is not the same as tendonitis.

The latter refers to the inflammation of a tendon, the fibrous structure that joins muscle and bone.

Bursitis, on the other hand, is concentrated in one of the 150 bursae that act as “cushions” between the tendons, ligaments and bones  that surround the joint.

If you have ever suffered from this problem, the striking swelling, stiffness and redness have undoubtedly caught your attention.

It will always be our doctors who will offer the best treatment. Meanwhile, at home, we can follow these simple natural remedies for bursitis, reducing inflammation and pain.

1. Natural remedies for bursitis: apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a very classic remedy for the natural treatment of bursitis.

  • What it allows us to do in the first place is to restore our body’s alkalinity to reduce inflammation  much faster.
  • The minerals present in apple cider vinegar, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, help us to treat this type of inflammatory process located in the joints.

Next, we’ll explain how you should use apple cider vinegar.


  • a washcloth
  • 1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar (125 mL)
  • 1 spoon of honey (7.5 g)

Method of preparation

  • It’s very simple. First,  in a cup, mix apple cider vinegar and honey well. That way, we’ll get a powerful anti-inflammatory medicine that can be used throughout the day.
  • Then, thoroughly soak the washcloth or cotton cloth with this combination of apple cider vinegar and honey.
  • Apply where you have bursitis for 15 minutes.

2. Cold therapy in the first 48 hours

knee bursitis

A cold temperature is, without a doubt, the most recommended to reduce the initial swelling and also “numb” the pain in the affected area.


  • 10 ice cubes
  • A plastic bag

Method of preparation

  • Start by inserting the ice cubes into the plastic bag.
  • Then place the pouch on the affected joint for about 15 minutes.
  • After that time, lift the joint where the bursitis is located above the heart and rest.
  • It can be done several times a day until relief is achieved.

3. Essential oil massages

essencial oils

There are very interesting essential oils to be used as natural remedies for bursitis. These are the ones that can help the most:

  • Nutmeg Oil : This essential oil is very effective for treating joint pain due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Mint essential oil: you can’t be missing from your pharmacy of natural remedies for bursitis either. Its main component is menthol, widely used since antiquity for the treatment of pain and inflammation.
  • Coconut Oil:  This will help us reduce redness as well as the burning sensation.

Do not hesitate to do circular massages with these essential oils.

4. Ginger against bursitis pain

Ginger has  antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties very similar to aspirin and ibuprofen.

Furthermore, it improves circulation and will help us to treat bursitis in a very effective way.

We will explain below how to follow this treatment.


  • 3 spoons of grated ginger (7 g)
  • 1 gauze
  • 1/2 cup of hot water (125 mL)

Method of preparation

  • First, wrap the freshly grated ginger in a piece of gauze.
  • Then soak the cheesecloth with the ginger in a cup of hot water for 2 minutes.
  • Let it cool a little. Then place on the affected area for 15 minutes.
  • You can repeat the treatment 2 or 3 times a day.

5. Rest and a magnesium-rich diet


It may seem obvious, but one of the fundamental conditions for getting bursitis to resolve is to rest, rest and take care of posture.

  • Our doctors can prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, however, it is imperative that when swelling appears, we reduce the mobility of this joint as much as possible.
  • Bursitis is caused by overload, by rubbing the joints with muscles or ligaments that inflame the bursa. Therefore, exercising more movements will make the pain intensify even more.
  • Rest as much as you can, and also make sure your diet is rich in magnesium: eat bananas, spinach, oats, lentils…

This mineral is essential for our joints, muscles and ligaments.

Consult your doctor to find out whether or not it would be appropriate to take magnesium supplements.

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