5 Natural Foods That Help Control Hypertension

Hypertension is a disease that affects heart health, so it is important to keep it within healthy limits to regulate it and lead a healthier life.
5 Natural Foods That Help Control Hypertension

With each beat, the heart pumps blood into the arteries. When the heart’s pumping pressure is higher than normal, we are talking about hypertension. In this article, we’ll talk a little bit about natural foods that help control hypertension.

There are two measures that must be taken into account to determine if the pressure is high:

  • One is systolic pressure, which refers to the blood pressure as the heart is pumping.
  • The other is diastolic pressure, which refers to blood pressure when the heart is between one heartbeat and another.

Blood pressure  is normal when the blood pressure monitor measures 120/80 mmHg. The first number corresponds to the systolic pressure and the second to the diastolic.

Causes of high blood pressure

Several factors affect the increase in blood pressure. Some of them are closely linked to bad habits that can be changed:

  • Obesity
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • high sodium diet
  • Intake of medications such as contraceptives or flu
  • Sedentary lifestyle

Likewise, there are also genetic causes. According to some studies, hypertension is hereditary. This condition increases the morbidity and mortality of other cardiovascular diseases, such as:

  • Cardiac insufficiency
  • myocardial infarction
  • hypertensive retinopathy
  • Chronic kidney failure
  • cerebrovascular disease
  • peripheral arterial disease

Hypertension  appears asymptomatic during the early stages, therefore, there is a high percentage of people who do not know that they suffer from this syndrome.

Natural foods to control hypertension

There are foods that are excellent allies when it comes to controlling or alleviating the symptoms of some illnesses. Next, we’ll tell you which ones help to control hypertension.

1. lemon juice

The retention of fluids in the human body is never a sign of something positive, especially if you suffer from hypertension. Lemon has wonderful properties in this regard, as it is an exceptional carrier of vitamin C. Thus, it helps us fight toxins and agents that build up by storing liquids.

Furthermore,  the star property of lemon juice is its diuretic and filtering ability.  Remember: like the good fruit that it is, it contains large amounts of water that are the ideal tool for safe and natural cleansing of the body.

To favor the purification and elimination of substances that can increase pressure, we can try this option. Prevention and discipline is everything here.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • The juice of 2 lemons


  • Mix the two ingredients, without sweetening, and consume on an empty stomach.

2. Banana

chopped banana

Bananas are known to have a lot of nutrients. We can highlight its high potassium content, which helps regulate blood pressure. Also, its energizing effect is very beneficial after doing any exercise routine.

For the three characteristics mentioned above, we recommend that you include a banana in your daily diet. Ideally, you also need to reduce the amount of sodium you consume.  Remember this means adding less salt to your diet, but also consuming less processed foods.

3. Garlic

Garlic is the star ingredient in the world of natural remedies. It is considered extremely useful for treating a multitude of medical, nutritional, and more pathologies.

In the case of high blood pressure or hypertension, the properties of garlic  provide benefits in dilating the arteries, while helping to prevent thrombus formation.

  • It can be consumed in tablets (garlic tablets), adding garlic to our recipes or consuming a garlic clove without peel daily, after having rested for 6 or 8 hours in a glass of water.

You can soak it while you sleep and take it the next morning.

4. Olive oil

Since the time of the Egyptians, the benefits attributed to olives and its derivatives are well known in the field of health. With regard to hypertension, the  olive oil acts as a natural regulator within the body, reducing the hurried pace in which the blood is flowing.

This healthy fat is made up of three thousand different components. Among its excellent properties are:

  • Helps prevent cell oxidation
  • Better regulates and controls diabetes
  • Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL)

5. Watermelon

Watermelon juice

Watermelon helps to reduce high blood pressure naturally because of its  ability to widen blood vessels.  This quality also reduces the risk of cardiovascular accidents.

Watermelon also provides L-citrulline and L-arginine, two amino acids that  strengthen vascular tone and regulate blood pressure.

Has your doctor told you that your blood pressure levels are high, but you haven’t developed a serious problem with high blood pressure? Fortunately, you have time to avoid complications, and adding this fruit to your diet can be a big help.

Remember that the best results are obtained when you are disciplined and consistent.  It is health that is at stake and it is necessary to be responsible when making decisions. Poor nutrition will only make the disease state worse.

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