5 Homemade Hair Straightening Treatments

In addition to helping us straighten our hair, thanks to the properties of the ingredients in these natural products, we will achieve extra hydration and favor hair growth.
5 Home Treatments to Straighten Hair Naturally

Most women think that to straighten their hair they need to submit to the use of chemicals and harmful elements such as flat irons, for example.

While these methods are certainly effective and provide incredible results, they are proven to be aggressive in the long run and cause damage that is difficult to repair.

While some professionals have tried to reverse these effects, there are still complaints about the negative consequences they generate.

However, what some people still don’t know is that there are other types of alternatives that can be applied with the same purpose, but without harming the hair.

There are several treatments of natural origin whose properties smooth the hair while giving it “extra” nutrients.

So are you ready to try them out?

1. Lemon juice and coconut milk

Coconut milk to straighten hair

The combination of lemon and coconut milk results in a natural conditioner that, in addition to providing shine,  smoothes the hair little by little without damaging it.

That’s because it contains antioxidants, fatty acids, and proteins that stop free radical damage and slump.


  • 1 lemon
  • ½ cup of coconut milk (125ml)

How to prepare it?

  • First, squeeze the juice of a lemon and mix it with half a glass of coconut milk;
  • Once the mixture is ready, moisten your hair and apply with gentle massages;
  • Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse;
  • Repeat your application two or three times a week.

2. Eggs and olive oil

The protein contained in the egg has been used in many cosmetic hair care treatments.

That’s because its action  prevents hair loss and contributes to the growth of new hair  to achieve a full head of hair.

In this way, we will combine it with the healthy fats of olive oil to  achieve smooth, shiny and healthy hair.


  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ cup of olive oil (57.5g)

How to prepare?

  • First, beat two eggs and mix vigorously with olive oil;
  • Once you get a conditioner, apply it to your hair and then leave it on for 30 minutes;
  • Wash with plenty of water and use it three times a week.

3. Rice and egg flour

Rice flour to straighten hair

First of all, rice flour combined with egg whites serves as a treatment against excess oil, frizz and breakage.

Its nutritional compounds strengthen the hair root and thus contribute to achieving a straightening without the need for a straightener.


  • 1 egg white
  • 5 scoops of rice flour (50g)

How to prepare?

  • First, beat the egg whites and combine it with the rice flour;
  • Then moisten the hair and apply the product until it completely covers it;
  • Comb for a few minutes, cover with a cap, then leave on for an hour;
  • Rinse with shampoo and repeat the process twice a week.

4. Coconut, oats and starch to straighten hair naturally

In summary, this homemade cream combines the properties of fresh coconut with ground oats and corn starch.

Its nutrients not only manage to straighten the hair, but also regulate the pH of the scalp  and promote hair growth.


  • ½ fresh coconut
  • 1 spoon of ground oats (10g)
  • 1 spoon of starch (10g)
  • ½ glass of milk (125ml)

What you should do?

  • First of all, grate the fresh coconut and mix in a blender with the ground oats and milk;
  • Pass through a strainer, place in a suitable container, then heat over low heat;
  • Dilute the cornstarch in a little water and add it to the mixture;
  • Stir with a wooden spoon until it acquires a creamy consistency;
  • Wait until it cools and apply throughout your hair with gentle massages;
  • Cover it with a cap and then let it sit for an hour;
  • Rinse and repeat your application three times a week.

5. Olive oil with jasmine oil

Jasmine oil to straighten hair

Essential oils repair dryness and breakage, as well as  nourish the root and stimulate growth.

In this way, we will combine the olive oil with a little jasmine oil and conditioner to obtain a smoothing and nourishing cream.


  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (48g)
  • 3 jasmine oil capsules
  • 2 scoops of ammonia free conditioner (30g)

How to prepare?

  • Incorporate all ingredients in a container and mix until you get a smooth cream;
  • Spread over hair after shampooing, then leave for 20 minutes;
  • Wash and comb immediately, without using the dryer;
  • Use twice a week.

After all, ready to show off a new  look  without damaging your hair? Although, for obvious reasons,  the results take a little longer to straighten your hair than other conventional methods, it’s worth a try.

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