5 Home Remedies To Treat Cold Sores

The sooner we start treating cold sores, the sooner it will go away. We can take advantage of the products we have at home to start therapy in the face of the first symptom.

Cold sores are one of the most unpredictable and troublesome diseases. Luckily,  it poses no serious risk to our health,  but no one likes to be seen with that kind of lip sore.

In addition, especially in the beginning, it has a burning sensation and pain that prevents us from eating and speaking comfortably.

If you add to that the need to use ointments that worsen your appearance, it certainly seems understandable that something so seemingly insignificant and benign should cause us so much grief.

On the other hand, there are also many prejudices about its origin. In reality, it is a virus that we never get rid of.

This does not mean that we suffer from cold sores continuously: you can even have a virus without the symptoms appearing.

However, once they appear, it is customary for them to appear on more than one occasion throughout our lives.  Triggers can be:

  • the stress
  • A drop in immunity
  • sudden changes in temperature
  • Fever

In these cases, the most frequent application is chemical lotions on the affected region. However, we can also take advantage of different home remedies to treat cold sores. Check out!

Best Home Remedies to Treat Cold Sores

1. Apply garlic on the blister

It probably sounds strange to you, but it isn’t. Garlic is perhaps one of the most underrated foods out there because of its odor.

  • However, its antibiotic, invigorating and antiviral power is impressive.
  • In this sense, applying garlic on the blister is a more than effective solution.
  • Don’t worry if it scratches a little at first, it will last for a short time and, in addition, it will free you from the discomfort caused by the ointment.

2. Milk

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. One of its triggers can be an unbalanced diet.

We must take into account that, through our food, we obtain two essential amino acids: lysine and arginine.

Lysine tends to prevent cold sores, while arginine feeds the virus and causes it to reactivate.

Milk is rich in lysine, so it is very effective in both alleviating and preventing the development of cold sores.

What to do?

  • To enjoy its benefits, just moisten a cotton ball with milk and pass it over the affected region until it disappears.
  • Perhaps this way of treating cold sores appeals to you more than the previous one, since with it you get rid of the odor of the first case.

However, either one is advisable.

3. Aloe vera

aloe vera

The gel from the aloe vera plant helps us to dry and heal the wound. To achieve the desired effect, we have two options.

  • We can buy it at a health food store and apply it with cotton.
  • If we have the plant at home, we just need to break it and pass the soft part over the ulcer.

With this simple gesture, you will soon be free of cold sores. No chemicals, no odors, no pain.

4. Table salt and water

This method is a little more laborious, but very effective. As we know,  salt is an exceptional healing agent,  so its usefulness is not negligible.

What to do?

  • Put a pinch of salt on wet fingertips.
  • Place your fingers over the ulcer for two minutes.
  • Soak a cotton ball in hot salted water and press your lips together for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the process.

5. Increase your intake of vitamin C and E

Combining good nutrition with the solutions described is the best decision.

To speed up our recovery and strengthen the immune system, we must increase our consumption of:

  • Broccoli
  • Kiwi
  • Orange
  • Avocado

Also, in specialized stores, there is pure vitamin E that you can apply directly to the lip.

However, we advise a diet with plenty of these vitamins to prevent the blister from appearing, especially during seasonal changes.

With these simple tips, treating cold sores will be a much less aggressive process for your body. Likewise, you won’t have to wait to be able to go to the pharmacy to start fighting it.

As soon as you notice the first symptoms, you will have the remedy available to use, bearing in mind that practically all the elements suggested are in any home.

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