5 Exercises For Patients With Hypertension

Although it may seem contradictory, raising your heart rate when you have hypertension is not harmful. Exercise helps lower blood pressure levels, improves fitness, and reduces risk factors that cause chronic disease.
5 exercises for patients with hypertension

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, physical exercise is essential for the treatment and prevention of hypertension, as it helps to reduce blood pressure levels. Here are some physical exercises that patients with hypertension can do.

Remember, before starting an exercise program, you should consult your doctor for additional measures to take care of your health.

What is hypertension?

What is hypertension?
Risk factors such as diet and sedentary lifestyle play an important role in the onset of hypertension.

Hypertension is the elevation of blood pressure levels continuously or constantly. To better understand it, it is important to set your blood pressure.

The heart puts pressure on the arteries so that they carry blood to the different organs of the human body. This action is known as blood pressure. The maximum pressure is obtained with each contraction of the heart, and the minimum with each relaxation.

Benefits of exercising for patients with hypertension

Although it may seem contradictory,  raising the pulse rate when you suffer from hypertension is not harmful.

“Exercise helps reduce blood pressure levels, improves physical fitness and reduces risk factors that cause chronic diseases . This is included in the ‘Guide to Prescribing Exercise in Patients at Cardiovascular Risk’, prepared by the Spanish Society of Hypertension. Furthermore:

  • You will feel progressively healthier and in better physical shape.
  • Maintains body weight and prevents obesity.
  • It helps the heart work better: it reduces the number of beats per minute, improves its contraction and develops new arteries.
  • Avoids anxiety, depression and stress.
  • Controls blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels.

How and which exercises to perform?

According to Paola Beltrán, a member of the Cardiovascular Risk and Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the Spanish Society of Cardiology,  the key is that the exercise be of moderate, constant intensity, and that it has been previously supervised by a specialist.

For those who suffer from hypertension, those exercises that activate the large muscle groups, rhythmic and aerobic in character, such as walking, dancing, running, swimming and cycling are effective.

Beltrán also advises that a patient with hypertension should have their pressure controlled before starting an exercise program. Therefore, medical consultation is mandatory.

Exercises that patients with hypertension can perform

1. Riding a bicycle

Exercises that a patient with hypertension can perform
It is recommended to exercise moderately, giving preference to aerobics that activate large muscle groups.

This physical exercise is  ideal as resistance training. Strengthens the cardiovascular system, metabolism and immune system. In addition, it tones the muscles of the legs and back and joints are not overloaded.

Blood pressure initially rises during training, although in the long run it drops to the lowest level.

2. dance

This physical activity is an excellent addition to medical treatments. Improves cardiovascular capacity, lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It also  reduces stress, which is one of the triggers of hypertension.

3. Walk

The benefits of walking are indisputable. Burning calories, increasing muscle tone and maintaining bone mass are some of the properties this exercise provides for the body.

Dr. Alberto López Rocha, a primary care physician, also emphasizes that this activity helps control hypertension, improves mood and reduces anxiety and stress.

4. Run

This exercise increases your good cholesterol, reduces blood clots, keeps your heart in good condition, speeds up your metabolism, and  reduces your risk of high blood pressure.

5. swim

person doing swimming
In addition to the cardiovascular health benefits, swimming reduces stress and anxiety, which improves our overall health.

Crawl, chest, butterfly or back. Four styles that adapt to each type of person and their needs. The common benefits of swimming range from increased cardiorespiratory endurance to reduced heart rate and consequent stimulation of blood circulation.

On the other hand, taking a few strokes a day also helps to improve mood as it helps to reduce stress.

So if hypertension is one of its concerns, with the choice of a healthy lifestyle, in which a balanced diet and physical exercise have an essential place, you will be able to prevent the problem. Anyway, see your doctor to clear all your doubts.

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