4 Stretches That Help Correct Posture

Being aware of your body will help you detect and correct posture problems before they cause you pain or alleviate the ones you already have.
4 stretches that help correct posture

Back pain or muscle discomfort is very common in adults. Daily routine and stress can strain your muscles and affect your posture. Therefore, in this article we recommend some stretches to correct body posture.

The human body is like a perfect machine with its parts interconnected, so we must take care of it and pay special attention to the signals it presents. Do you feel pain in your back, hips, shoulders or head? These can be signs that something is not right with your posture, so you should work to improve it.

Believe it or not, body posture can affect some internal organs of the body, breathing and digestion. This is due to the tension in the muscles, which are responsible for maintaining balance, keeping us upright and allowing the body to move.

Likewise, incorrect posture can lead to conditions such as scoliosis, torticollis, kyphosis, lower back pain, or shoulder tendonitis. In severe cases, these conditions require the help of an expert. Fortunately, these discomforts can be alleviated, or even avoided, by performing simple stretching exercises on a regular basis.

Muscles change the orientation of bones and that includes, of course, the spine, which is our support. For this reason, work must start from the muscles. There are several stretches to correct posture that are very effective, so don’t waste your time and start stretching your muscles!

Some stretches to correct posture

Some stretches to correct posture

1. Stretch the neck with the chin back

First, remember that you must do this stretch very carefully to avoid neck injuries or make them worse if you already have them.

  • Stand with your feet parallel hip-width apart and push your chin back with the help of your fingers.
  • Count to three and then relax.

You can do this stretch with your eyes open or closed. If you choose to do it with your eyes closed, you can combine it with deep breathing to relax even more.

Benefits of this stretch

  • Reduces sore throat.
  • Improves back posture.
  • Strengthens the neck muscles.

2. Arm stretch behind the back

Get to know 4 stretches that help correct posture

As in the previous case, do this stretch slowly and gently. Remember that at no time should you strain your muscles. So  if you feel pain, relax a little.

  • To start, put your arms behind you and interlace your fingers.
  • Slowly raise your arms until you feel the stretch in your chest.

Benefits of this stretch

  • Corrects the posture of the shoulders.
  • Releases tension in the chest muscles.
  • Releases tension from the shoulders.

3. Stretching the arms against the wall

  • Approach a wall and stretch one of your arms horizontally. The palm of your hand should be against the wall.
  • Then apply a little pressure, turning your body away from your straight arm.
  • Hold for ten seconds and then repeat the exercise with the other arm.
  • As you hold the pose, inhale and exhale deeply to release the tension.

Benefits of this stretch

  • Stretches pectoral muscles.
  • Releases tension in the shoulders.
  • Reduces shoulder pain.

4. Hip adductor stretch

The butterfly pose is a yoga exercise that helps to relax the hips and lower back muscles.
The butterfly pose is a yoga exercise that helps to relax your hips and lower back muscles.
  • First, sit on the floor and put your legs in a butterfly position.
  • Bring the soles of your feet together and pull them into the body as far as you can without causing too much pain.
  • Then, with the help of your elbows, push your knees out slightly. Hold for 20 seconds.

Benefits of this stretch

  • Reduces pelvic tilt.
  • Reduces the curve of the lower back.
  • Relieves pain in hips and lower back.

With these stretches to correct posture, it is possible to relieve muscle and lower back pain. In addition, it is also possible to reduce stress, the risk of injury and dramatically improve your physical condition.

Good postural hygiene is always beneficial.

Perform these stretches daily to get results. Remember that your body is used to incorrect postures, so it will take time for you to get used to the correct postures.

Being aware of your body is essential for you to detect and correct postures that are not adequate and generate discomfort. It’s not an easy task to correct your stooped posture or slumped shoulders. You should be careful to stay upright and supplement this work with other exercises that can help.

However, if your posture problem is more serious, it may not be possible to correct it with stretching alone, and you may need to seek help from an expert. The important thing is that you worry about improving your physical condition and, at the same time, improving your self-esteem. Having good posture will also make you feel more confident and even improve your physical appearance.

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