4 Solutions Against Sinus Headache

Do you suffer from sinusitis? This headache can be very uncomfortable. Today you will discover some ways to face it with natural solutions.
4 Remedies for Sinus Headache

Sinus headache is a disease in which the lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed. Although it has a higher prevalence in children, many adults also suffer from it. Fortunately, there are some natural remedies that can help us treat it.

Natural solutions bring good results for different conditions. That’s why we don’t want to miss the opportunity to share some of them with you. Let’s see what natural options can help us improve sinus headache.

How To Fight Sinus Headache

Combating sinus headache is not easy. Next, we’ll look at some natural solutions that can work very well. However, always remember to follow your doctor’s recommendations.

1. Saline

Washing with saline solution
We can find different serum preparations to remove mucus adhered to the mucous membranes.

Saline is a recommended option for the treatment of sinusitis cases, as indicated in the article ‘Consensus document on the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis’ .

When we think about this option, we consider that there is only the alternative of buying this product at the pharmacy. However, we can make our own saline solution  in a completely homemade way.

  • Take some water and put it in a container.
  • Add a little salt (very little).
  • Finally, apply to the nose.

2. Infusions

Infusions are especially recommended to improve sinus headache symptoms. The reason? They provide great hydration, which is essential in these cases.

There is a wide variety of infusions to choose from. However, some are used much more than others. You can start with the following options:

  • Calendula infusion : has essential anti-inflammatory properties for this specific case.
  • Mint : is an option to relieve pain, in addition to providing the body with adequate hydration.
  • Yerba balm : a lemongrass infusion is also widely used because it has analgesic and sedative properties.

3. Vaporizations

Vaporizations allow you to easily eliminate the mucus adhered to the mucous membranes, bringing beneficial and calming aromas to the nostrils.

Steam inhalation is another natural solution to clear the airways. Therefore, it is a very useful remedy when we suffer from a flu or a cold. It also considerably reduces sinus headache pain.

In order for it to have the desired effect, you must bring the water to a boil in a pot. It is important to add some herbs to the preparation, such as mint or eucalyptus. When the water reaches boiling point, turn off the heat and move closer to it.

Place a towel over your head to concentrate the steam. It is not recommended to take longer than five minutes. The sinuses will be cleared quickly.

4. Warm compresses or cloths

The last of the natural options to relieve sinus headache is to use compresses or warm cloths. This technique is just as effective as vaporization. However, in this case, the relief can be even greater.

  • Soak gauze or towel in very hot water.
  • If you prefer, you can add some herbs to this water, such as mint.
  • Wring out the gauze or towel, then place it on your nose.
  • Make sure you cover the sides and front of your nose well.

You can keep the gauze or cloth for between five and ten minutes. The heat will provide immediate relief and a feeling of comfort. Also, the pain will decrease and the airway will be unblocked. We recommend combining these treatments with each other to increase their effectiveness.

Natural Remedies for Sinus Headache

sinus headache
Due to the wide variety of causes, medical advice is essential in cases of sinusitis.

One thing to keep in mind when applying these natural solutions is that the relief they provide doesn’t solve the problem. In other words, this is not a magic cure, and the pain will probably return in a few minutes.

Therefore, it  is important to take your doctor’s recommendations into account. It can provide other types of solutions that, combined with natural ones, will give very positive results.

In addition,  before self-diagnosing, it is important to look for a professional. The reason is that sinusitis can have different causes like fungus, bacteria or allergies. Depending on the reason, the way to solve it will be different.

We hope this article was helpful and that you feel better when the sinus headache comes along. What else helps you fight sinus symptoms?

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