4 Delicious Scrubs With Brown Sugar

In addition to removing excess dead cells, the combination of brown sugar with other ingredients offers many benefits for our skin.
4 delicious scrubs with brown sugar

Your skin is opaque and you’re not happy with the way you look? In that case, try the following brown sugar scrubs.

Sugar is one of the most used ingredients to create exfoliants as it does not irritate sensitive skin, including the face. In addition, it eliminates all types of residues with ease, as it cleans pores and favors cell regeneration.

No matter what your skin type, with the following brown sugar scrubs you will have an amazing result.

What are you waiting for to get rid of blackheads and dry skin?

What kind of sugar should you use?

In the supermarket you can find several types of sugar, but not all of them are suitable for these exfoliants. As indicated in the title of the article, it is recommended to use brown sugar.

If you don’t have it at home, you can use any sugar that is granulated. Remember that as sugar is refined it will lose its caramel color, so avoid very white options.

1. Brown sugar and lemon citrus scrub

Brown sugar and lemon citrus scrub

The first of the brown sugar scrubs we want to share is perfect for eliminating the dark spots that appear around the neck, elbow and knees.

It can also help to lighten the face, but it requires care not to expose yourself to the sun 48 hours after the exfoliation.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar (30 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients and set aside.
  • During the bath and after removing the soap, apply the scrub using a circular motion.
  • Remove with warm water.

After drying, use your usual moisturizing cream. If you notice that your skin has become a little dry, apply a little more cream or a little olive oil.

2. Sugar and green tea scrub

Green tea has amazing antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Therefore, we recommend this option for anyone who suffers from the appearance of blackheads, stretch marks or wrinkles.

You can use this scrub all over your body or just on the problem areas we mentioned earlier. If you want an extra aroma, add a few drops of essential oil of your choice.


  • 1 cup of iced green tea (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of brown sugar (200 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients together by dissolving the sugar granules that usually form.
  • Store in a glass container and use it during the shower, after rinsing the soap.

3. Sugar scrub with blackberries and coconut oil

Sugar scrub with blackberries and coconut oil

Can you think of anything more explosive and fun than blackberries? The truth is, it tastes delicious and it can be a great help both inside and out.

Blackberries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that fight free radicals and make you feel younger longer. Coconut oil increases the amount of antioxidants and provides smoothness.

We recommend applying this scrub to areas with scars or wrinkles. You will find that in a short time the skin will become more even and the marks will be less visible.


  • 10 frozen blackberries
  • ½ cup brown sugar (100 g)
  • ½ cup coconut oil (100 g)


  • In a container, grind the blackberries into a dough.
  • Add sugar and oil and mix the three ingredients.
  • When you have a uniform mass, store it in a glass container with a lid and use it to exfoliate during the bath.

4. Exfoliating cubes of brown sugar and matcha tea

These cubes are perfect for getting antioxidants, clearing your skin and enjoying a delicious aroma.

You can use it in place of your daily soap, which is perfect if your skin is sensitive and you have allergic reactions to commercial soaps.


  • 200 g of base soap
  • 2 teaspoons matcha powder (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of almond oil (15 g)
  • 2 scoop of powdered coffee (30 g)
  • ½ cup of granulated sugar (100 g)


  • Melt the soap following the supplier’s instructions.
  • When the soap is liquid, add the other ingredients and mix well.
  • Distribute the mixture in an ice or other form, if you prefer.
  • Refrigerate for two hours and remove the soap from the molds. You can keep them in cellophane bags or in smooth, colorless paper.

Recommendations for using brown sugar scrubs

Scrubs with brown sugar

All these brown sugar scrubs are very gentle and suitable for all skin types. However, there are some precautions you should take into account to enjoy all its benefits.

Remember if:

  • Always use natural ingredients. Ideally, products should be purchased from reliable places where they are known to be of good quality. This means buying fresh fruits and avoiding processed ones.
  • Store your scrubs in glass jars. The glass bottles maintain the characteristics of the exfoliants. Plastic, in comparison, can change some elements because of the heat it generates in contact with some oils.
  • Keep scrubs in a cool environment. Because we use infusions, fruits and oils, it is important that you keep fresh at all times.

Just look for a dry place where there is no sunlight. If you live in a very hot place, you can keep the bottle tightly capped in the refrigerator.

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