3 Easy Recipes To Prepare Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as miso, kefir and sauerkraut are very rich in vitamins and minerals, and their consumption is associated with a series of benefits that improve the general health of the body.
3 easy recipes to prepare fermented foods

Fermented foods are those whose molecules have gone through a process of transformation into other, simpler molecules. Depending on the microorganisms that participate in the fermentation, it will be of different types: lactic, alcoholic, acetic, etc. Do you know how to prepare fermented foods?

The best fermented foods are those that, in its initial state, already have a high nutritional value because the fermentation will increase the nutrients they naturally possess.

Benefits of fermented foods

Fermented foods are  associated with several benefits,  including the following:

  • They improve digestion and intestinal transit,  as they are foods that are already partially digested and provide enzymes and vitamins that facilitate the absorption of nutrients.
  • They nourish the intestinal bacterial flora. For its preparation, healthy microorganisms similar to those of our microbiota are used.
  • They promote the modulation of the immune system, increasing defenses that fight infections.
  • Decrease the inflammatory response  associated with allergies and intolerances.

Recipe for preparing fermented foods: sauerkraut

Benefits of fermented foods
The key to cabbage fermentation is to eliminate any possible air pockets so that fermentation can take place properly.

Sauerkraut is the food resulting from the lactic fermentation of cabbage. It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, in addition to calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

Furthermore, it  contains large amounts of enzymes and lactic acid. These nutrients are necessary for iron absorption, nervous system regulation and tissue regeneration.

The recipe for preparing this fermented food is very simple, but it must be carried out in  compliance with the instructions to ensure the optimal condition of the product.


  • 2 medium cabbage
  • Approximately 10 g of salt (15 g of salt is needed for every kilogram of cabbage)

Preparation mode

  • First, clean and wash the cabbage. Remove the outer layer as well as any sheets that are damaged.
  • Cut or grate the cabbage into very thin strips.
  • As you get the strips, place them in a bowl with a little salt and repeat the process so that the salt is more evenly distributed throughout the preparation.
  • With the help of a pestle, mash the mixture of cabbage and salt. If you don’t have this tool, you can do it with your hands previously washed.
  • In a jar with a vacuum cap, add the cabbage, squeeze and compress with the help of a spoon to ensure there are no air pockets.
  • Finally, close the bottle and keep it in a clean, dry place at room temperature for 4 to 6 weeks.

recipe to prepare miso

recipe to prepare miso
This Asian-origin yeast provides intense flavors along with a very complete nutritional profile.

Miso is a flavoring paste resulting from the fermentation of soy, beans or cereals and iodized salt. It is rich in high quality proteins, amino acids and essential minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron). In addition, it contains high amounts of slow-absorbing carbohydrates, vitamin B12 and folic acid.


  • 2 cups of chickpeas or soy beans
  • 5 cups of  koji yeast , miso yeast
  • 2 cups of cooking broth from the chosen vegetable
  • 4 large spoons of salt

Preparation mode

  • Put the chosen legume to soak 12 hours before.
  • Cook in a pressure cooker with water until soft enough to melt easily. Chickpeas take about 50 minutes and beans 90.
  • Strain the legumes and process them until obtaining a homogeneous paste.
  • Add about a pint of the cooking broth and salt  and cook over very low heat, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from heat and add the yeast.
  • Place the preparation in a suitable container for its preservation  and try to avoid air pockets.
  • The fermentation time depends on the flavor you hope to achieve. The longer it is, the stronger and more intense it will be. With this recipe, it will be ready in 40 days.

How to prepare fermented foods: milk kefir

milk kefir
Milk and yeast are the only ingredients needed to make kefir.

Kefir is a food produced from the lactic fermentation of milk with bacteria and yeasts. It is very rich in B-complex vitamins (B1, B5, B9 and B12, biotin), vitamin K and vitamin D. In addition, it has high values ​​of essential minerals for the correct functioning of the body, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium .


  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 200 g of kefir beans
  • Glass container suitable for storage

Preparation mode

  • Put the milk in the glass container.
  • Add the kefir beans, close tightly and let it sit for 24 to 30 hours.
  • Strain the liquid that has formed and repeat the above process, adding more milk until you get the desired amount of kefir.
  • It is recommended to rinse the  resulting preparation with non-chlorinated water every four days.

Now you have your fermented food recipes to make at home. Include them in the diet of the whole family  and enjoy the benefits we mentioned.

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