12 Alternative And Amazing Onion Bones

Thanks to its properties, onion is more than just an ingredient or condiment for our dishes, and it can help us make many daily tasks easier.
12 alternative and amazing onion bones

Onion is one of the best known vegetables, both in gastronomy and in the field of alternative medicine. Get to know some alternative uses of onion.

Its antibiotic, detoxifying and antioxidant qualities have been used for hundreds of years as a natural treatment against various ailments.

What few people realize is that, in addition to its unique flavor and high nutrient content, onions have very interesting uses in the home, beauty and gardening.

The best part is that it serves to replace many of the products sold on the market, which makes it a more economical and ecological option.

In this article we want to share 12 curious ways to use it so that you can enjoy all its benefits. Don’t miss it!

1. Alternative uses of onion: to clean grates and pans


To remove dark stains from grills, pans and other artifacts in your kitchen, take advantage of the properties of this food.

Its antibacterial compounds not only remove dirt, but also disinfect and neutralize bad odors.

Put a piece of onion on a fork and rub it over the utensils you want to clean. Then remove the excess with a damp cloth or a little dishwashing detergent.

2. Eliminate stains

Sweat stains on clothing can easily be removed with a little freshly cut onion.

It works similarly to hydrogen peroxide, penetrating fabric fibers without affecting clothing.

Apply directly to the stain, let it act in cold water and rinse in the normal washing cycle.

3. Alternative uses of onion: as an insect repellent

onion insect repellent

Apparently, the strong smell of this ingredient is unpleasant to ants, mosquitoes and a wide variety of insects that invade the garden and homes.

Instead of using toxic and harmful insecticides, fill a plate with chopped onions and place them in the path of these insects.

You can also put a few pieces in hot water, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and apply it where needed.

4. Remove the paint smell

The unpleasant smell of paint that comes off paintings, furniture or walls can be eliminated with a little fresh onion.

Just cut it into several pieces and place it in places where the smell is concentrated.

5. Alternative uses of onion: cleaning shoes


To remove clay and grass stains from the soles of shoes, cut a slice of raw onion and rub the sole of the shoe for a few minutes.

Then remove the excess with a damp cloth and apply a little soap if you feel necessary.

6. Remove rust from metals

Many of your iron parts can deteriorate from rust buildup. To restore them, rub them vigorously with an onion and polish them with a clean cloth.

7. Alternative uses of onion: relieve stings


The anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties of onion can serve as a remedy against irritation caused by insect bites.

Cut a piece and apply to the affected area. You can also apply your natural juice.

8. Relieve sore throat

A decoction of onion skin with water reduces inflammation and sore throat. If you don’t like the taste, you can add a little honey and lemon.

9. Alternative uses of onion: treating superficial burns


To prevent infections on sunburned skin, rub some fresh onion over the affected area.

Its sulfur compounds accelerate dermis regeneration and reduce burning and redness.

10. Removes splinters and thorns

Fix a piece of onion over the region where the barb or thorn is located with a piece of masking tape. Wait an hour and pull out hard.

11. Alternative uses of onion: decrease acne


The astringent and antibacterial qualities of onion are helpful in treating acne.

Thanks to its properties, it  reduces excess oil and eliminates blackheads, which are enemies of beauty.

However, before applying it as a mask, it is important to have a test done to avoid allergic reactions or sensitivities.

12. Fights hair loss

The antimicrobial properties of this ingredient prevent dandruff and promote new hair growth.

Its antioxidant compounds stop hair loss and help you get a strong, full head of hair.

Just prepare an infusion with the onion skins and boiling water, and use the liquid as a rinse before shampooing.

Did you know these uses of onions? Now that you know what other applications you can use it for, don’t hesitate to use this ingredient to make many tasks in your home easier.

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