10 Uses Of Lavender: Cosmetics, Home And Medical

Lavender, the national flower of Portugal, is known worldwide for its exquisite aroma and relaxing properties.

Lavender is a plant that has been used for various purposes. However, it is famous all over the world because it has a very pleasant aroma that invites you to relax and rest.

It is said to be helpful in cases of nervousness, anxiety and insomnia. And in the field of aromatherapy, it occupies a privileged position. But can this plant alleviate other discomforts? What are its true properties?

Next, we’ll introduce 10 uses of lavender at home, in cosmetics and medicine.

Lavender, a plant with an exquisite aroma

Lavender is a very aromatic plant that belongs to the Lavandula genus and is native to North Africa and the mountainous areas of the Mediterranean.

Its showy and violet flowers are used to extract an essential oil highly valued in the cosmetic industry and traditional natural medicine. Said oil contains linalool, linalin, geraniol, coumarins and borneol, substances that give it unique properties.

Lavender Properties

According to experts, this plant has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory: soothes the skin in case of insect bites and light burns.
  • Digestive: Lavender tea is said to help soothe nausea, gas, and stomach upset.
  • Relaxants: Helps relieve anxiety, nervousness, stress and insomnia.

How to harvest lavender?

According to farmers, it is necessary to harvest the stems when the flowering period starts. Then they should be hung upside down in a cool, dark, dry room to dry and then we can use the leaves throughout the year.

In the case of flowers, they can be picked right before being used.

10 Uses of Lavender at Home

Let’s see what are some of the uses given to this plant in the domestic scope.

1. To ward off mites

Cupboards, drawers and other enclosed spaces can harbor mites and other unwanted insects. To avoid this, it is recommended to take a bunch of lavender leaves, tie them with a string or put them in a cloth bag, which, in turn, should be placed in the spaces you prefer.

2. As a natural flavor

This plant can perfume environments in a completely natural way, providing a much more pleasant and fresh aroma to the house.

You can put a bouquet of lavender in a vase or simply add a few drops of your essential oil to the washing machine when it’s time to wash the blankets and pillows.

3. As a personal care product

Hygiene and personal care products that contain lavender contribute to the health of the skin as they have astringent properties.

If you want to make a handmade soap with therapeutic properties, be sure to consider using fresh flowers or essential oil from this plant.

4. Hair conditioner

According to popular beliefs, washing (or rinsing) your hair with a little lavender water can be beneficial to hair health as it would help to stimulate hair growth.

5. Refreshing skin tonic

It is believed that, due to its healing and antibacterial properties, lavender water can act as a natural tonic to refresh and cleanse the face.

However, before trying it, it is a good idea to consult your dermatologist, as even if it is a natural tonic, it should not be assumed that your skin will tolerate it in the same way as someone else.

6. Tranquilizer

It has been stated in several studies that the natural fragrance of this plant is useful for controlling nervous system disorders.

According to some research, the aroma of lavender oil helps promote positive states and release tension.

7. Natural relaxant

 lavender can help prevent insomnia and invite you to rest in several ways.

You can put a small bag with fresh lavender in the room or also:

  • Apply a few drops under the pillow.
  • Drink the lavender infusion. It’s delicious!

8. Control bad breath

According to popular belief, you can use lavender infusion to make mouthwash and freshen your breath and thus eliminate halitosis or bad breath.

9. Relieve insect bites

 In the case of insect bites, you can apply a little lavender essential oil to relieve discomfort (inflammation, itching, etc.).

10. Treat muscle conditions

Lavender essential oil can be used to give relaxing massages and thus relieve mild muscle pain.

Is it necessary to consult a dermatologist?

Yes, before using lavender directly on the skin, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. 

On the other hand, if you want to try the lavender infusion, try buying it in bulk at a drugstore or health food store.

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